For Valentine's Day my wife gave me a frame with all the the dates "that changed our lives forever". Very thoughtful and looked great, but she wanted the frame to have our own special touch to it. So after a quick design session, we had an idea how to make the frame even more unique.
After making the 2 scrolls and the 2 pieces for the heart it was time to weld them together (action shot!).
I drilled holes in some flat bar and welded all the pieces to it to give me a way to attach everything to the wooden frame.
The twists in the heart were my wife's idea. They didn't take much effort to form after heating the metal up, but they added a lot to the overall look. Next was a vinegar bath overnight to give it a fresh coat of rust.
And the final product! It all goes together very well and looks great on our wall. A perfect V-Day gift for both of us...personalized and meaningful.